Mr. Yogesh and Sumedha Chithale

Mr. Yogesh and Sumedha Chithale sitting with Prime Minister Modi.
The Chithales are not seeking any favors from the PM.
Rather they have been invited and honoured by the PM for a noble gesture.
This retired couple sold their entire family jewellery worth Rs1.25 crore to raise funds for a unit that would generate oxygen at the Siachen base hospital.
The unit now provides enough oxygen for 20,000 Indian Army soldiers in icy Siachen and nearby.
Their names and their patriotic gesture deserves to be remembered by a grateful nation.
Fitting therefore that they were called and honoured by PM Modi in his office.
May their tribe increase 🙏
(photo/information courtesy, Rangarajan Parthasarathy).
This post is purely to show the selfless work done by Mr and Mrs Chitale…. which should be appreciated !
A small request…No politically motivated comments please in the interest of this article🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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